Sunday, January 13, 2008


I spent my holidays in a very meaningful way. I spent almost everyday playing soccer with my friends. I also went to play pools and watch two movies. But the most unforgettable experience was when I went for my OBS, outward bound singapore course from the 2nd to the8th of December. It was a very fun and exiting course.Two of my fellowfriens and I were chosen to go to Pula Ubin for this course.This course taught me alot of things which are important in life:leadership,teawork,initiative and strength. I learned survivor skills and learned kayaking. It was a very fun course and I feel that I had spent my holidays in a useful way.

target and expectations/resolutions for 2008

This year I am doing my o-levels and this is the time for me to prove to every one that I also do my best for o-levels. It is not enough for me just to tell but to show. For that planning is very important. And I did it after a disastres day last week. I want and I will get distinction for my o-level mother tongue. I also want to improve on the subjects i am weak in, example: mathematics, combine science and combine humanities. English is the most important one as well. Besides my acadamic, i also wish to change my character and attitude for a better concentrtion on studies.I felt bad for not attending the mother tongue commit programme and giving my teachers alot of problem. I apologise to my teachers for giving you trouble. I promise that I will change for the best.